Friday, December 14, 2007

Evaluation Added

An evaluation survey has been added to our SkillPort. It does not pop up when people finish their courses. Rather, it shows on the Course Information screen where learners click "Play". They'll now see a bar that says "Evaluate". Please let your learners know about this so we can glean their feedback!


Unknown said...

I just finished a course yesterday and I was exposed to capabilities in Word that I had no idea existed- so that's a plus. However, later in the day, I was confronted with a real-life problem that I know I had studied a couple of months ago and, frankly, I couldn't remember the details. I struggled for awhile. So, I think the value is primarily in exposure. If I really wanted to become proficient, I would need a lot more forced practice.

NiniB said...

Thank you for your comment, reluctant techie. I have found this to be the same case with me (and others). If you don't use it, you lose it! That's where job aids (Help menu, handouts, books) come in. Hopefully, I remember enough to feel comfortable enough to look it up in Help or a book. In the past, we've had online products that offer handouts to print out, but then again, who's to say that you can find it when you need it. If anyone else has any ideas about this, please comment!