Friday, December 14, 2007

Evaluation Added

An evaluation survey has been added to our SkillPort. It does not pop up when people finish their courses. Rather, it shows on the Course Information screen where learners click "Play". They'll now see a bar that says "Evaluate". Please let your learners know about this so we can glean their feedback!

Friday, November 16, 2007

So Far, So Good

We had a 15 minute liaison meeting today to check in on how things are going with SkillSoft and it sounds like everything is going great. The orientation trainers and liaisons have had positive comments. There are some people at Anne Arundel County Public Library who have completed courses already! There are no big technical glitches and people have been able to login successfully.

Two points made at the meeting:
1. Nini will be adding an evaluation form within SkillSoft so it pops up when people finish their courses. When this is done, she will email liaisons.
2. Liaisons have been invited to this blog as blog authors. While we don't expect much blog activity (because things are going well), this is a place where liaisons can share questions and discoveries as we go along. Even if you aren't an author, you can comment should you feel so inclined. SkillSoft participants are welcome to comment also.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Welcome to the SkillSoft Project

Thanks to the liaisons for helping with registration given such a short deadline. You have been invited to join this blog as a blog author. This way, we can share updates, questions, best practices, tips, and reminders throughout this project.

Remember to subscribe to the RSS feed.